AP U.S. History/2024-2025 - Syllabus
Purpose: The Advanced Placement designation offers the subject at an accelerated pace, more along the lines of a freshman-level college course. In May, the Advanced Placement exam will be administered to AP students around the country, giving students who make certain scores the chance to receive college credit. Credit varies, depending on the university and program.
Course Design: The Advanced Placement course is a two-semester survey of American history from the age of exploration and discovery to the present. The course is divided into nine periods:
Period 1 – 1491-1607 (4-6%)
Period 6 – 1865-1898 (10-17%)
Period 2 – 1607-1754 (6-8%)
Period 7 – 1890-1945 (10-17%)
Period 3 – 1754-1800 (10-17%)
Period 8 – 1945-1980 (10-17%)
Period 4 – 1800-1848 (10-17%)
Period 9- 1980-Present (4-6%)
Period 5 – 1844-1877 (10-17%)
Solid reading and writing skills, along with a willingness to devote considerable time to homework and study, are necessary to succeed. Emphasis is placed on analytical reading, essay writing skills, use of primary resources, and class discussion.
Themes: The course emphasizes themes throughout American history. These themes include identity; work, exchange, and technology; peopling; politics and power; America in the world; environment and geography – physical and human; and ideas, beliefs, and culture.
Course Objectives – Students will:
- Master a broad body of historical knowledge.
- Demonstrate an understanding of historical chronology.
- Use historical data to support an argument or position.
- Interpret and apply data from primary documents including political cartoons, graphs, letters, etc.
- Effectively use analytical skills of evaluation; cause and effect; and compare and contrast.
- Work effectively in cooperative groups to produce products and solve problems.
- Follow and participate in class discussions of current world and national news events.
- Prepare for and successfully pass the Regents Exam in U.S. History and Government and the Advanced Placement Exam.
Text Book and Resources
Main text for daily reading assignments - we will read the majority of this text:
Faragher, John Mack, Mari Jo Buhle, Daniel Czitrom, Susan H. Armitage. Out of Many: A History of the American People, sixth edition. Boston: Prentice Hall, 2011.
Other articles and selected reading will be added to regular reading assignments.
Students should also be familiar with current events and engage in regular class discussion.
Study Techniques – The reading load is considerable. The amount of time required for homework will vary with your reading speed. Refer to your daily assignment sheets and plan ahead for long assignments, supplemental readings, and take home assignments and essays. Time management is essential for this class and you need to learn to budget your time. We will evaluate periodically as a class, and if necessary, individually what study techniques to implement. Consider getting a study partner.
Attendance – If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the appropriate material and complete it. Class attendance will adhere to the policy outlined in the student handbook. You are expected to follow the reading schedule regardless of attendance. Assignments are posted on my web page.
Grading –
- 40% - Assessments – tests and quizzes
- 40% - Projects and essays
- 20% - Homework and class assignments
AP U.S. History Exam – Friday, May 9, 2025 - 8:00 AM
Section 1 –
Part A –55 Multiple-choice questions (55 minutes) 40%
Part B – 3 Short-answer questions (40 minutes) 20%
Section 2 – (1 hour 40 minutes)
Part A – Document-based question – 25%
Part B – Long-essay questions – 15%
U.S. History and Government Regents – Friday, June 20, 2025
Part I – 28 Multiple Choice Questions – stimulus based
Part II – 2 Short-essay questions
Part III – A – Stimulus based written response
B – Essay (document based)