5th Grade Science Topics
Spaceship Earth
Day, Night, and Earth's Rotation
Earth's Rotation and Daily Shadow Patterns
Seasonal Changes and Shadow Length
Seasonal Patterns and Earth's Orbit
Moon Phases and the Lunar Cycle
Planets and the Solar System
Star Brightness and Habitable Planets
Chemical Magic
Chemistry and Conservation of Matter
Dissolving and the Particulate Nature of Matter
Acids, Reactions, and Properties of Matter
Chemical Reactions
Gases and Particle Models
Watery Planet
Hydrosphere and the Roles of Water
Groundwater as a Natural Resource
The Water Cycle
Natural Disasters and Engineering
Web of Life
Food Chains, Predators, Herbivores, and Carnivores
Plant Needs: Air and Water
Decomposers and the Matter Cycle
Decomposers, Nutrients, and the Matter Cycle
Ecosystems and the Matter Cycle
Food Webs and the Flow of Energy