• Mrs. Woodcock’s Expectations 2014/2015 School Year

    1.       Actively Participate by:

    -contributing to classroom discussions.

    2.       Follow directions by:

    -doing what is instructed the first time.

    3.       Be prepared for class by: -bringing all materials needed each day.

    -having your work completed on time.

    4.       Be respectful to others by:

    -raising your hand before answering a question.

    -keeping your voice down.

    -respecting other students’ space.

    5.       Be on time!!!!!!



    Class work 25%

    Projects 30%

    Quizzes 15%

    Tests 30%

    ·         these percentages are subject to change at my discretion

    ·         All tests must be done without the aid of another student, textbook, workbooks, or any past materials that may aid the student.  If a student is caught using any of these items to assist them a zero will be given for a grade with no retest available.


    Homework: (Credit will NOT be given for late assignments. Handing in an assignment late will result in a zero.)

    Homework is not generally given.  In fact, I would like to complete all activities in class.  However, realistically speaking, things will come up that will make this impossible.  Such as:

    Student Absences: Students are responsible for all work missed and for every day absent the student has two days to make up the work.


    Getting behind: There will come a time when the work will become more difficult and some students will finish faster than others.  This means that whatever work was assigned for the day to be finished and has not been competed by the end of class will become homework.  This is where classroom diligence comes in.



    Tests must be made up on your own time if absent for more than one day.  However, if you are absent only one day be prepared to take the test the day you return, while the rest of the class is going over theirs.


    Students- Please check the box and sign:


    I have read and understand the above information


                    Signature:  _________________________________________ Date: _________________


    Parent/Guardians- Please check the box and sign:


    I have read and understand the above information


                    Signature:  _________________________________________ Date: _________________